What I Learned at SharePoint Saturday Stockholm
February 20, 2015
As I mentioned in my previous post, last weekend was well spent with the SharePoint Saturday crowd in Stockholm, Sweden. In this post I want to highlight what I have learned from it. It was very difficult to choose which session to attend , as I had my own session to worry about.
There were two very good sessions about JavaScript in SharePoint.
The first one was called "SharePoint JavaScript, Doing It Right" and it was presented by Hugh Wood, very knowledgeable guy from Rencore (by the way, they are the makers of SPCAF, pay them a visit). He summarized his detailed posts on SharePoint JS inner workings. If you haven't read them before, you don't know what are you missing.
Spssthlm19 SharePoint Javascript - Doing it right from Hugh Wood
The other session was called "Mixing power of CSR with flexibility of KnockoutJs: three examples" and it was presented by Andrei Markeev. I couldn't attend it but I spoke with Andrei and I am really looking forward to see the slides and the sample code. Andrei's GitHub repository has some very good things to have in SharePoint arsenal: a CSR live tool (Cisar) and CAML JS console.
The second thing I learned in Stockholm was just how awesome is the new workflow development experience with Visual Studio. SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 workflows use the new, external engine and all the calls are client-side code, either JS in SharePoint or REST API on your servers.
The session was called "Advanced SharePoint Workflow Scenarios" and was flawlessly presented by Paolo Pialorsi from PiaSys. If you haven't heard about Paolo, which is very doubtful, he is the guy who wrote The Book on SharePoint Development and he's one of the brightest SharePoint people I know. Check his slides and source code, there is a trove of information there. Grazie, Paolo!
Full-Trust Code to SharePoint Apps Transformation
Another session I liked was called "Transforming SharePoint Farm Solutions to the App Model" and presented by another Rencore genius and one of the founders of SharePoint Saturday Stockholm, Matthias Einig. He outlined the SharePoint development roadmap and the main obstacles from moving to the cloud. I think that it was a sober assessment of the state of SharePoint development right now.
Transforming SharePoint Farm Solutions to the App Model #SPSSTHLM23 from Matthias Einig
Were you at SharePoint Saturday Stockholm 2015? What did YOU learn?